Monday 24 February 2014

The Fault In Our Stars

Hazel Grace, considered to be one of the brave ones. Not for fighting heroically against the Dark Lord, or surviving the Hunger Games. But for living with her choices, and being happy with them.

The Fault In Our Stars, begins with Hazel telling us her mother feared she was suffering from depression. Merely because she was actually just living every fangirl's real life.

"I rarely left the house, spent quite a lot of time in bed, read the same book over and over, ate infrequently and devoted quite a bit of my abundant free time to thinking about death."

Rarely left the house? Check.

Spent quite a lot of time in bed? Hazel is speaking my language!

Read the same book over and over? Guilty.

Ate infrequently? *stares at empty candy bar wrappers* This is why I'm going to be kicked out of my house one day. Skipping dinner for sugar.

Devoted quite a bit of your abundant free time to thinking about death- Wait what? Okay, maybe not EVERYTHING applies here. Then again, not all of us are suffering from cancer, like Hazel. NO, THAT WASN'T A SPOILER. Hakuna your tatas. Our free time is normally spent online, bonding with other fan girls. Or sleeping. Sleeping works just fine for me.

Virtual Fist Bump, Fellow Fangirls!

Most people avoid reading The Fault In Our Stars, because, well, we all know it's going to be sad. In fact, I refused to read TFIOS when I first heard about it, because I assumed it'd just be a sad book that punched me right in the feels. I was wrong. This book has some of the best one-liners, I have ever read. And in the end, it didn't punch me in the feels!

Nope. It just steamrolled right over them, instead! If you've ever seen the asdf (pronounced ass-duff, no jokes!) movies by TomSka on Youtube, you have to know the I-Like-Trains guy. Remember how the train just goes right over everything? 

The Train Of Feels.
Yeah, that. THAT.

You know how movies have this certain chain of events, right? The beginning is sunshine and rainbows, the plot goes on, there is that ONE turning point in the movie, that changes everything, but then everything just sort of falls into place and it all wraps up, nicely! John Green (author of The Fault In Our Stars) needs to watch one of these normal muggle movies. Honestly. I think I got taken on a Feels Trip, about 69 times, to say the least.
Just when you think it's getting better, it really isn't.

So now you're probably wondering why the heck you'd want to read the book, right? Mostly because:

  • You're going to miss out on joining one of the best fandoms ever.
  • You will have one more reason to cry say, "B-E-A-uuutiful!"
  • You learn awesome words like Hamartia. Don't look it up. Why? Spoilers. SPOILERS, EVERYWHERE.
  • Characters named Lidewij Vliegenthart exist in this book. (Pronounced Lee-Duh-Vigh.) If that doesn't convince you, I don't know what will. Come on, son!
  • This book has some of the best one-liners/scenes EVER. 

For example:

1) "I love it when you talk medical to me."
Image Courtesy: Anna. You can find her, and harass her for more fan art, simply by clicking on her name.

2) "Lonely, Vaguely Pedophilic Swing Set Seeks the Butts of Children."
I'd explain this quote but that'd just ruin it. Mwahaha.

3) "Some tourists think Amsterdam is a city of sin, but in truth it is a city of freedom. And in freedom, most people find sin."
Bam. John Green, everyone. Making sure every character has a quote you'll remember them by, since 1969.

4) "Okay."
Though at most parts, you're just like John Watson.

Tell it like it is, John.

There are so many more, that I'd like to list here, but they might be spoilers.

Also, to people who have already read The Fault In Our Stars, I have a certain moment I want to talk about in the book; the Death Suit. And to people who haven't, yet, here's the link to the book, BUY IT NOW.
Read it. 
Let me know once you're done!

It's only right to end this post with a quote by Hazel.
Don't kill me.

Image Courtesy: The vast world of Tumblr.


  1. Love your review.. In fact want to read the book again :) Anna is terrific as always..

    1. Haha, aw, thank you! I'll bring the book with me, when I visit this summer. ^o^

      Yesh, she is. I'm making her draw fan art for every book, I review. She just doesn't know it yet. ;D
